I found this quote fitting for today as women (and men) all over unite to celebrate progress, and forge ahead to create more.

All to often I see clients who are seeking to feel their worth (and not just women). We are all molded by our environments; our upbringing, our generation, and our cultural beliefs all play a role during our developing years, and often some of us along the way loose the best part of ourselves.

The reason we seek to feel worthy, or strong, or confident, is because in our adult life we realize we lost something valuable on our way to where we are now.  We know this because we were born without limitations.  We were born limitless. Each one of us had no idea we had limitations of any kind until someone told us we did.  Somewhere from back then to right now, we were made to feel incapable of achieving our heart’s desire.  We know this to be the case when our current situation no longer works for us.  There is that little voice inside of us saying there is something more out there for us.

In hypnosis your imagination is engaged in a theta brainwave state to bypass the conscious mind.   When we bypass our conscious mind, we can still the limiting chatter of our thoughts that has resulted from our conditioning.  In hypnosis (or the theta brainwave state) we can program our subconscious minds to send us those confident, positive, and empowering messages that remind us that we are limitless.  It is a very freeing process when we can release the opinions of others and everything that has held us back.   We are ALL worthy of success and happiness.

If you want to engage your subconscious mind and release your limitations and free your imagination, I’m here for you.

Happy International Women’s Day Everyone.

Be strong, be confident, and most of all… be true to you!